

At 中北书院, we track progress toward the goal of earning a college degree. Since the 立博体育平台第一 program officially launched in Fall 2015, the average first-to-second year 保留率 for 第一代学生 is 91%; this is much higher than the national average and much higher than 第一代学生 who do not 参与立博体育平台第一. Shared below are additional findings from an internal review of the 立博体育平台第一 and the program’s impact.


We measure retention by evaluating how many students remain enrolled at North Central from their first year to their second year. Shared below are the average first-to-second year 保留率s:

  • 91%都是第一代学生 完成 立博体育平台第一次研讨会系列
  • 61%都是第一代学生 没有 参与立博体育平台第一
  • 89%的第一代拉丁裔学生 完成 立博体育平台第一次研讨会系列
  • 57%的第一代拉丁裔学生 没有 参与立博体育平台第一
  • 78%北中部的 整体 保留率


持久性 is measuring by evaluation how many students remained enrolled from their first year through their third year at North Central. Shared below are the average first-to-third year 持久性率s:

  • 84%都是第一代 完成 立博体育平台第一次研讨会系列
  • 48%,都是第一代学生 没有 参与立博体育平台第一
  • 82%是第一代拉丁裔学生 完成 立博体育平台第一次研讨会系列
  • 46%的第一代拉丁裔学生 没有 参与立博体育平台第一
  • 71%北中部的 整体 持久性率


毕业 rates for Fall 2015-Fall 2018 cohorts:

  • 80%都是第一代 完成 立博体育平台第一次研讨会系列
  • 46%都是第一代学生 没有 参与立博体育平台第一


An internal review of 立博体育平台第一 found the program successfully:

  • Helps students navigate unfamiliar structures of the institution, particularly during the initial transition to college.
  • Connect students to first-gen peers and faculty on campus thus promoting a sense of community.
  • Provides a sense of mattering for students; participants felt recognized (by name), 关心, and supported by the staff and student leaders.
  • Promotes pride in first-gen status and clear recognition that they are not alone.

Dissertation research conducted in 2022 with 541 第一代学生 at 34    private institutions, including 20 North Central students resulted in these findings specific to 立博体育平台第一 participants:

  • 85% have developed a sense of community with other first-gen college students
  • 85% indicated having a community of support for first-gen students at North Central was important to them
  • 95% agree or strongly agree that 立博体育平台第一 helped support their persistence to earn a 4-year college degree 

总之, researcher reported North Central is exceeding the national average in terms of first-generation program and community support for its students when compared to like-minded, 私人同行机构.

Victoria Alvarez Cosme ' 17


她在北中央监狱的时候, Victoria served as a 立博体育平台第一 Ambassador where she helped mentor first-year, 第一代学生. 从NCC毕业后, she earned a master’s degree in counseling with a specialization in forensic psychology and currently works as a clinical therapist. 

维多利亚给第一代的建议 “努力胜过一切”. Work hard, get involved and network with other people within your major. No matter what anyone says, just remember that you belong."




在中北部工作期间, Kevin played on the football team and in his senior year he won the prestigious 2016 Outstanding Major in 保险精算学 Award.

从学院毕业后, Kevin has gone on to work as an actuarial analyst at Allstate in Chicago. Kevin works on the consumer household analytics team and prices boat and excess liability policies for all states.

Kevin’s advice for 第一代学生 is, “Be a sponge. Soak up information and learn from everyone and everything around you. 中北书院 is a great community of learners where the professors, administrative staff and students are all invested in one another’s success. There is something to learn from each and every person. So get involved, foster relationships and most importantly have fun!”


Albulena Emroski ' 16


在她的本科经历中, Albulena was very involved as an active member of both the women’s cross country and track and field teams. She participated in Teach First (North Central's original first-generation program for education majors) and served as a 立博体育平台第一 Ambassador. 目前, Albulena (Abby) is working as the Dean of 学生 at International Prep Academy in Champaign, IL. 

Her advice for 第一代学生 is, “You are a walking résumé! Always go above and beyond to show your enthusiasm and dedication. Be respectful, be professional and ask for help and advice from those around you. Everything pays off when you’re doing what you love!”

Albulena Emroski ' 16

